The Big bang theory show was not just for comedy only, it addresses many issues within our society that a lot of people are suffering from, and in some, the show tried showing solution and how to deal with the issue, in a way that sometimes funny and sometime emotional. So here are the most deepest social issues and problems that the big bang theory (Sitcom, TV show) have addressed before, 1st part: Bullying Issue . One of the popular issues, “Bullying”. That was an incredible topic that took a lot of time on the show, and was one of the most repetitive social problems on it, too. The gang of the four boys (three doctors+engineer) were extraordinarily smart. However, they were being bullied constantly, in their youth as well as in their adulthood. Whether it was Penny’s ex boyfriend, or Leonard’s childhood friend, or the one who get his b*lls kicked by Penny… lol. Despite the Joy and the mixed emotions that we get from watching the show, the big bang theory did a great job addressing ...