Through out the Big Bang Theory, Sheldon Cooper one of the main character and almost the star of the show, he made some really good advises for his friends, which make it hilarious at first but it was about to make a difference scenarios on the group's life, however as usual ex: penny never listened to what Sheldon has to say, it kinda of understandable really! since everyone consider dr. cooper a nerd and take things way too seriously sometimes and in some kind of ignorant and selfish, So here are the best of the best. Enjoy!
Don't Make Homemade Rocket Fuel As Selfish as Sheldon Cooper can be, he saved Leonard’s life. It's a fact that Leonard admitted to Penny, when she asked him how he became friends with Sheldon. An Advice that saved him from an Explosion. It all happened when Raj, Howard and Leonard started to create rocket fuel in the kitchen. However, Leonard’s formula was wrong and Sheldon didn’t stand still, and stepped in to warn Leonard. And his advice was “don’t make homemade rocket fuel”.
Penny Really Should Have Checked Her "Check Engine" Light
In the big bang theory world, Penny was going through financial challenges all the time so she didn’t have the means to afford a great car or fix her Car. So she drove a car that has a Plethora of issues. For the first time, when Sheldon got in the car he immediately noticed that the Check Engine light was on, He gave her the advice: To fix the problem in her car but she didn’t listen to Sheldon. Eventually, Her car Collapsed and it couldn't be fixed.
Friends Can Help You Get Through Hard Times
Friends Can Help You Get Through Hard Times
After the tragedy that happened to Howard’s mother, Which really made a sad moment, especially with the actual voice actor was really died. Sheldon asked Howard if he could give him advice that intended to help him go through a hard time. The others tried to stop him thinking that Sheldon was gonna blow it but he actually made a very moving point, by saying that “Friends can help you get through hard times”.
Offer Someone A Beverage When They're Feeling Down
For Sheldon it doesn’t matter the situation; Sickness or sadness there is always a Beverage for waiting for you. Sheldon was kind enough to express his feelings toward the person for the purpose of making him feel better, By giving him a hot beverage to drink.
The Relationship Agreement
After Penny and Leonard got married, their life still had ups and downs, and it became worse after the marriage. Sheldon was giving them the advice for years, that they should have a relationship agreement, however the couple thinks it insane and it couldn’t possibly solve the problem. But all the problems gone after they decided to let Sheldon’s dream come true and have him write a relationship agreement.
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