The Group Members' Worst Thing about his way of thinking and his persona as a main character in the big bang theory. Each character and where the problem to deal with. it's common issues that many people have or in fact every one has them but to a certain degree, not all out like these lol ...


Despite His Extreme Arrogance, Sheldon Cooper is a Pretty Ignorant Persona, Which makes him Cause and the root for a lot of problems not just for his GF/Wife Amy Farrah Fowler But also for the whole Group.

Amy Was Too Generous (AMY’S GENEROSITY)

Her fans may disagree with this but Amy has one thing that caused her tons of troubles, and that is her Vast Generosity. She is way too patient with Sheldon and his ideals, and persona. She took a lot of time to step back and gave Sheldon Cooper many chances.


Penny Was Afraid Of Being Alone (PENNY’S FEAR OF LONELINESS )

Penny is the number one fan favorite, however she has one weak point and that she can’t stay single for a while, By jumping from a boy to another. And by showing with Zack she takes a full mark on her fear of staying alone.

Leonard Was Fixated On Having A Family (Leonard's OBSESSION TO HAVE A FAMILY )

Leonard is a very patient man; the fact that he stays with Sheldon and tries to bear him for all this long is really a great accomplishment.

However, his character has a one main problem with his relationship with Penny and that he was so fixated on starting a family which led to a problem between her and him, he should have stepped back for a while and not pushed the matter. Which puts a lot of pressure on Penny, not just her but with all his partners.

Howard Was Extremely Lazy (THE EXTREME LAZY HOWARD)

Howard was extremely lazy when he was living with his mom, letting her do his laundry and prepare his breakfast. Until Bernadette came along and brought a child home, she forced him to clean the house and take care of the babies. We started to see some improvement In his persona.

Bernadette Was Too Maternal

No one was expecting Bernadette to fall in a maternal figure, on her role, she was a perfect boss figure and ideal Brilliant Mind. Seeing her become a mother and taking care of children - it's not that this is something bad, but it was unexpected from Bernadette's tough-as-nails persona.


Raj Became A Womanizer (THE LADIES MAN RAJ)

Raj started as a sweet, shy person. Playing the silent man and not able to talk with women. However, after his transformation it didn’t put him in a better spot it made him a bit too much Womanizer. And it's almost like he is pressing a button to change between Girls especially Claire and Emily.

Other characters

Stuart Was Way Too Aloof (THE TOO NAIVE MAN STUART)
Beverly (Leonard's Mom) Was Heartless (THE DRY ICE LEONARD's MOTHER)
Mary (Sheldon's Mom) Underestimated People.


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